Monday, February 22, 2010

Nellie Bly's Accomplishments

Nellie Bly earned her reputation by going from newspaper to newspaper doing investigative journalism. She would go undercover and and do research and actually experience her stories which is why she was known as the "best reporter in America." Nellie Bly was one of the first women journalists to make history. They even made a amusement park named after her. Nellie Bly sailed around the world in 72 days. She wrote a book about her journey to show everyone what she went through. She went undercover in many dangerous situations to help out the people in her community. She always put her self in potentially harmful situations just to get that perfect story. She basically created her own news.


  1. I think nellie is one of the more interestign journalist exspecially since she kinda made her own stories lol. kinda ironic eh?

  2. i think nelly was really cool.
